How Deep State Intelligence Reinforces Archetypes And Manipulates Culture Via Mass Media, Spectacular Crime & Hollywood
Brett Carollo & Thomas Millary
An essay for the third print edition of IM-1776, “Conspiracy: Psyops & Demons.”

Thomas Millary
Under the Hollywood Matrix
Connected by the recurring appearance of actor Patrick Fischler, three iconic Hollywood productions link the image of the hobo to the entertainment and advertising industries, depicting the total deconstruction of the modern American man and the ascent of the divine feminine.
A three part essay series for IM-1776.
I. The Hobo and the Hollywood Goddess: A Review of David Robert Mitchell’s Under the Silver Lake
II. White Men & the New Religion: A Review of Matthew Weiner’s Mad Men
III. Cultural Engineers and their Nightmares: A Review of David Lynch‘s Mulholland Drive

Divining the Dream Machine:
Science-Fiction, Hollywood, & the Technology of Antichrist
Thomas describes a feedback loop between corrupt imagination and corrupt technology, explaining why science-fiction is essential to the religion of Antichrist.
This piece can also be found on Gab News.

Nietzsche and Transhumanism
Brett Carollo, for The Agonist
A scholarly reassessment of Nietzsche’s influence on the development of transhumanism via a history of ideas approach that also tracks “para-philosophical” vectors of influence. Arguing that Nietzsche was crucial in laying the groundwork for transhumanism, this article tracks the impact of Nietzche’s radical refashioning of the human being as an instantiation of apotheosis. The Nietzschean superman represents the ideal of apotheosis filtered through Nietzsche’s materialism and his processual turn, and it is in this modified, post-Nietzschean form that the ideal passes to transhumanism.
Nietzsche and the Mysticism of Apotheosis
Brett Carollo for Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion
A paper arguing that Friedrich Nietzsche was a mystic and his post-Gay Science (1882) thought should be understood as an unfolding expression of his mystical experiences. Drawing on Nietzsche’s Nachlass (notes), letters, and published writings, I show that he undoubtedly had at least two major mystical experiences and that these experiences were the source of all the cardinal motifs of his later thought.
Listen to Brett read the paper here.

The Psyop Olympics
Thomas Millary for IM-1776
On the links between Satanic symbols and progressive values, as demonstrated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics.

Taxi Driver Reformed
Brett Carollo and Thomas Millary for IM-1776
A review of Paul Schrader’s First Reformed and its religion of the Goddess, and spiritual sequel to Brett and Thomas’ first piece for IM-1776, “The Joker Cycle”