Thomas Millary

Under the Hollywood Matrix

Connected by the recurring appearance of actor Patrick Fischler, three iconic Hollywood productions link the image of the hobo to the entertainment and advertising industries, depicting the total deconstruction of the modern American man and the ascent of the divine feminine.

A three part essay series for IM-1776.

Thomas describes a feedback loop between corrupt imagination and corrupt technology, explaining why science-fiction is essential to the religion of Antichrist.

This piece can also be found on Gab News.

A scholarly reassessment of Nietzsche’s influence on the development of transhumanism via a history of ideas approach that also tracks “para-philosophical” vectors of influence. Arguing that Nietzsche was crucial in laying the groundwork for transhumanism, this article tracks the impact of Nietzche’s radical refashioning of the human being as an instantiation of apotheosis. The Nietzschean superman represents the ideal of apotheosis filtered through Nietzsche’s materialism and his processual turn, and it is in this modified, post-Nietzschean form that the ideal passes to transhumanism.